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Lisa Paus Jung

Deutscher Bundestag

Lisa Paus: Germany's New Minister for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women, and Youth

By Imanuel Marcus | April 14, 2022

Website of the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs

Lisa Paus has been appointed as Germany's new Federal Minister for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women, and Youth. The announcement was made on April 14, 2022, and Paus will take up her new role on April 25, 2022.

Paus is a member of the Green Party and has served in the Bundestag since 2009. She is a strong advocate for gender equality, social justice, and environmental protection. In her new role, Paus will be responsible for a wide range of policies affecting families, senior citizens, women, and youth in Germany.

Paus's appointment has been welcomed by many in Germany, who see her as a progressive and experienced politician who is well-suited to the role. She faces a number of challenges in her new job, including the need to address the country's aging population, the rising cost of childcare, and the need to promote gender equality. However, Paus is confident that she can make a positive difference in the lives of all Germans.

Paus is the first Green Party member to hold this position. Her appointment is seen as a sign of the growing influence of the Green Party in German politics. The Greens have made significant gains in recent elections, and they are now the third-largest party in the Bundestag.

Paus's appointment is also significant because it makes her one of the few women to hold a cabinet position in Germany. Only a handful of women have served as federal ministers in Germany, and Paus is the first woman to hold this particular position.

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