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The New Social Security Payment

Universal Credit: What Is It and How to Apply?

The New Social Security Payment

Universal Credit is a new social security payment that is replacing six existing benefits. It is a means-tested benefit, meaning that the amount you receive will depend on your income and circumstances.

How Much Will I Be Paid?

The amount of Universal Credit you receive will depend on your circumstances. There are a number of factors that will be taken into account, including: your age, your income, your savings, and your housing costs. You can use the Universal Credit calculator to estimate how much you will receive.

How to Apply for Universal Credit

You can apply for Universal Credit online or by phone. You will need to provide some information about yourself, your income, and your circumstances. You can find more information about how to apply for Universal Credit on the GOV.UK website.

When Will I Start Receiving Universal Credit?

The DWP will tell you when you are eligible to start receiving Universal Credit. If you have a change of circumstances, such as losing your job, you can apply for Universal Credit at any time.
