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Benjamin Netanyahu Hamas Support

Netanyahu's Gaza Gamble: Balancing Hamas and the West

Power Play in the Middle East

For years, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has pursued a delicate balancing act in the Gaza Strip. By fostering a strong but not overly powerful Hamas, Netanyahu aimed to maintain stability while minimizing pressure from the Palestinian Authority.

Populist Politics and Strategic Maneuvers

Some critics have accused Netanyahu of intentionally bolstering Hamas as a political strategy. As a populist leader, he may have calculated that a weakened Hamas would erode his support among right-wing voters. Others argue that any support provided to Hamas was unintentional.

Ground Invasion and Public Support

Despite the high death toll of 1400 Palestinians, Israeli officials have reported widespread public support for Netanyahu's decision to invade Gaza. The invasion was seen as a necessary measure to dismantle Hamas's military infrastructure and restore security.

Unspoken Alliance

Analysts suggest that Netanyahu and Hamas share an unspoken alliance against the Palestinian Authority, their common adversary. Both parties benefit from a weakened Palestinian leadership and have an interest in maintaining control over their respective territories.

This complex political dynamic has shaped the conflict between Israel and Hamas. Netanyahu's gambit to balance Hamas and the West has had significant consequences for the region, highlighting the challenges of finding lasting peace in the Middle East.
